The Girl Behind the Blog!

Well, hello there!

My name is Lauren, but some call me “Laur”.
Although I have the looks and humor of a 16-year old, I am 23-years young!
Actually, I’m surprised I don’t get carded to buy a lottery ticket.
I am a recent graduate (May 2012) from Shippensburg University for Secondary Mathematics Education.
Yeah, I’m a math nerd and I will proudly admit it!

I have a Cavapoo puppy named Elmo who is my best friend.
I am with him 24/7 and we both suffer separation anxiety.
Obviously, from my blog title, you’ll see I spend pretty much all of my time with him…
And him only.

I began this blog as an outlet for myself.
I had 3.5 knee surgeries on my right knee in the past year and a half.
Like a majority of bloggers, I’ve struggled with disordered eating for about 6 years now.
Right now, due to difficulties healing from surgery, I consider myself a retired runner.
But before you roll your eyes, think “another recovery blog”, and click away…
Get to know me a bit! I might surprise you :o)

I am a coffee and peanut butter addict.
I swear like a sailor so I’m sorry for so many profanities.
In my opinion, the nerd-ier the better.
I love to bake, take long drives, and browse clothing sites I cannot afford right now.
Oh hey, student loans!

Right now, you’ll probably see me complain about my knee a lot.
I am determined to get back into shape in a healthy way.
I am in no way “fit fluential” but I love working out.
I am desperate to get my life back in order and…
Well, get my life back period.

I live for all things neon.
I am a Philadelphia Eagles fan. Go Birds!
I enjoy spending my Friday nights sober watching Shark Tank and wedding shows…
Even though I’m very single.
I love honesty and make friends, so please feel free to contact me!

Please feel free to leave comments/e-mail me at!

74 thoughts on “The Girl Behind the Blog!

  1. Awh… you are so pretty, dear (:

    I can’t wait to read more on your blog! I’d love to hear more about your handicap…? I went through some crazy stuff as an athlete, too. Maybe I could relate!


    • I can’t wait to really get started and situated. Like now, I just found your comment in the “Spam” comments?? I didn’t even know that existed. Haha! This is going to take ALOT of getting used to but I know it’s going to be worth it. I love following/reading about all of you guys so it’s about time I get to know you all! 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog, Laur! We are so much alike – I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts! 🙂

  3. Love your honesty! Fighting through an eating disorder is not easy. And you don’t have to do it alone! Please feel free to email me if you want to chat! Hugs
    Katie : )

  4. Hi, I just found your blog and can´t wait to read more! You are such an interesting person 🙂 I love mathematics, wanted to become a math teacher before I changed my mind and realized I wouldn´t handle the whole class of kids 😀

  5. I believe I have commented on your blog before but have never taken the time to read your story… But I do want to thank you for sharing! I am so similar to you, 21, college student, disordered eating, cut fat completely out of my diet… but I am getting so much better each and everyday and I know can too!

  6. I believe I have commented on your blog before but have never taken the time to read your story… But I do want to thank you for sharing! I am so similar to you, 21, college student, disordered eating, cut fat completely out of my diet… but I am getting so much better each and everyday and I know can too! 🙂

  7. I could probably talk your ear off. I’m 32 years old and struggling. But I can’t even exercise anymore; I think I’m too depressed; and after stopping it 3 years ago, I’m completely out of shape. Technically my weight is still low. I’m unmotivated. I’m stuffing myself every. single. day.
    Ugh…long story.
    YOU are stunningly beautiful though. So young too…don’t mess up like life now nd forget all this craziness…if you ever want to talk you can email me. But I’m struggling myself; so hard to face some days.

    • Thank you so much, I will e-mail you if I need someone to talk to! It really is hard to face, especially because you wonder how the hell you got where you are. I wish I could go back and the minute I started restricting more and more, I would have stopped myself. It’s all about balanced meals, not skipping meals.

  8. I just happened upon your blog. Girl, you are gorgeous! I hope you can realize that. It’s a struggle, I know. I have felt very depressed about myself many times. Food is a struggle for me..I used to be very thin, then gained weight in college. Now, at 27, I am starting to finally be happy with my weight after figuring out what my body needed and wanted. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope your recovery goes well!

    • Yes I do! I am SO amazed by the fact I found you through the same blogs I read! This is TOO funny! I’m going for Secondary Math Education :o) I actually think I’ve seen you around campus before (probably in the library or something) not to sound like a creep or anything haha!

  9. I just found your blog and love how open you are. You’re awesome and I can’t wait to read more! Oh yeah… E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!

  10. Hey girl! I just wanted to stop by and say hi! Your blog is so very inspirational and encouraging! I could totally relate to a lot of what you had been struggling with, as well as your passion for running and all things baking (my middle name is Betty Crocker). Keep doing your thang girl! xoxo

  11. This is a wonderful post, Lauren, and you have a fabulous blog. I too have had my share of ups and downs (extremes in both exercising and eating), and of just not feeling fulfilled and balanced in general. I started my own blog in May 2011 to discuss how I am slowly getting over years of disordered eating. I am so happy I found your blog because I can relate to everything you say. Cannot wait to follow you in your journey!

    • Ooo! Fun! I will definitely join your Facebook group asap! Thanks for letting me know! And I graduated from Shippensburg in May, so I’m at home now. Boo. I wish I would have found your blog sooner!

    • I feel SO bad for him because his separation anxiety is definitely my fault, too! He goes EVERYWHERE with me… Pretty much becuase I make him haha… So if I’m even in a different area of the house he’ll whimper until he gets to come with me. It’s REAL bad haha! I’m glad to hear someone else created a monster 😛

  12. You had me at “peanut butter addict” (0:
    Hi, I found your blog today and subscribed!
    Be strong in your recovery and fight to nourish girl, you can muscle through. I know you know this. (0:

  13. I came across your blog and an AMAZED at what we have in common!! I have suffered with an ED for 10+ years now! I recently went to a treatment center in florida for 2 months. It helped but I am by no means cured. Aside from that I love fitness and baking. Addicted to coffee and peanut butter. Used to run but dont so much anymore. Love neon colored clothes and shoes. Anyway, I will absolutly be following your blog!

  14. Lauren!! It’s been so long! Remember me?? Just saw you commented on another post and wanted to pop in and say hi! Wishing you all the best :*

  15. Hi Lauren, I tried to email u but no luck. I understand if you don’t want to talk though…I’m 32 and very much…rock bottom. I have similarish story to you, not really, but facing some similar stuff. Please email me if you can or want . Thanks!!!

  16. Hey Girl! Just found your blog and look forward to reading more 🙂

    I laughed out loud at the “verrry single” because I am too haha– at 23 years old and a grad student I barely have time for myself let alone to be dating!! I hope your knee is doing well and that you are able to be the active, athletic girl you hope to be 🙂

  17. You know it’s gonna be a new favorite blog when you can relate to 80% of the stuff on the about page. Another coffee and pb addict that is better friends with her dog than any actual people? Yep, sold!!

  18. Nice blog, read your about me! I need to stop procrastinating and finish mine ha. But, you had me a peanut butter addict haha, I’ve tried peanut butter on so many things…can’t go wrong with it. Nice to meet you cyberrr…ly? ha. You seem awesome besides the fact that you’re an eagles fan. :p

  19. Its not everyday that I find another math loving, peanut butter addicted, 23-year old, dog owner named Lauren! I have enjoyed poking around your blog and LOVE it! I am just starting out my own running blog and I hope sometime you can check it out! 🙂 By the way… that picture with your Dunkin Donuts cup makes me miss home so badly! I’m a displaced New Englander living in California and – I kid you not – the closest Dunkies is in Vegas… 250 miles away!

  20. Hi Lauren(=
    I just wanted to tell you that you are absolutely stunning (and so is Elmo!). You and I are similar in so, so many ways and I just spent a good hour reading some of your posts, you are truly a remarkable inspiration! I look forward to reading more from you and learning from you! Thank you(=

    • I’m glad you found my blog!!! I saw your picture of you and your furry boyfriend, so I definitely know we understand each other on the level of spending our quality time with a dog! It’s never a bad thing since he can’t talk back to me and agrees with me all of the time! 🙂 I hope you stop back more!!

  21. Hi! Not entirely sure how I eventually stumbled here, but I would love if you shared your story on dealing with your knee surgery as an athlete my blog Though my issue is genetic, I can certainly relate to the “retired runner” name tag (although mine is written in sharpie… your’s must have be a washable marker.) 😉 I know many of the readers I have also have dealt with an eating disorder/disordered eating… and I think/know/truly believe the more we talk about it, the less power it has.

    Let me know if you’re interested!

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